The Staff of Discovery Island invites and welcomes you to visit our facility for a tour at anytime that is convenient for you, the family. The only additional paperwork required, other than our enrollment forms, is a State of Alabama Immunization Certification form from your child's pediatrician showing your child is current with all required immunizations. This is for the health and well being of all the children.

Full Time Weekly Rates:

Full time means registered for 5 days a week.

Infants and One year old room - ** $240.00 per week

Two years old - ** $220.00 per week

Two and one half classroom - until fully potty trained - ** $220.00

Two and one half room through five year old fully potty trained ** $195.00 per week

4/5 Pre-K with lunch and snack included (Hours of 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM only) - ** $120.00 per week

Yearly enrollment fee - $150.00 per year These fees are all inclusive of meals and all curriculum costs.