Discovery island Child Development Center uses the Funshine Learning Express Curriculum during the academic year throughout the Center. This program is appropriately designed for each aged classroom and where they are in learning. Sign language is also introduced to all the age groups. And Spanish is introduced by the teachers to the older classroom. Di is proud to offer two different extra curricular activities. Both are for the 2 1/2 classroom and older and are offered on the property. Parents can choose to have their children participate or not as you contract directly with those companies. Let's Kick Soccer comes every Tuesday morning teaching the fundamentals of soccer. The children typically receive a jersey and their own soccer ball at the end of the year. Whiz Kids Technology classes are available every other Tuesday afternoon introducing children to a wide variety of devices, their parts, and use by working with educational program.
Social development is also a very important component of preparing a child for a successful education experience. Developing self control, independence and the ability to interact appropriately and respectfully with other students and teachers is equally important as academic skills.
Discovery Island is blessed to be in a community which believes in its young people and supports their education. Community guests are a regular event at Discovery Island to enhance the children's learning experiences. We welcome on a regular basis educational visits from the Orange Beach Fire and Police Departments, the Orange Beach Public Library, the Baldwin County Bookmobile, the Gulf State Park Nature Center, local musicians Top Hat and Jackie, Nurse Pamela from the Alabama Department of Health, : in addition to other local guests.